Our Services

Commercial & Consumer Lending

Through 1994 and 1995 due to the fact that the vast majority of Russian firms and individuals had no real credit history and accurate historical and current, financial statements were the exception rather than the rule, we largely avoided traditional commercial lending. In those few cases where loans were granted they were fully collateralized or guaranteed by reputable third parties.

In 1996 OPM-Bank increased this area of its business with loans being made to small-scale manufacturers, trade organizations and private persons (primarily located in the Moscow region). This type of clientele is generally not able to provide liquid Russian securities as collateral and as a result we work with them to find acceptable alternatives such as lombard warehousing of goods, apartment mortgages, or formulas based on account balances, turnover and operations with cash.

We are proud of our strong small business clientele which is learning how to responsibly manage their finances and expand their operations in a sustainable fashion. We anticipate that our commercial lending business will grow rapidly in the coming years as Russia's overall interest rate levels start to decline making longer-term bank loans an affordable option for businesses and manufacturers.

OPM-Bank offers:
  • short and medium-term ruble and hard currency loans
  • credit lines
  • bank guarantees
  • financial planning and business plan preparation.

Copyright © 1996 OPM-Bank
Web presentation Copyright © 1996 Skate